Thursday, September 13, 2007

Progress is Good

Amy and I went to go see Dr. Schneider yesterday for our 12 week visit. Much to my disappointment, we didn't get to set another ultrasound. :( I was bummed. So excited I was to see "Lil' Longhair" again. But no. Fortunately we were able to listen to the heartbeat. Everything sounded good and strong. Last time we got to see the heartbeat; Yesterday we were able to hear it for the first time. Being a very visual person, I thought seeing the image was way cooler, but that's just me. Simply being able to have some sort of contact with the baby this early is pretty rad though.

After the appointment we agreed it was time to start telling people. We can't hold out any longer! Told the people at work, and will be telling my friends one by one. Word travels faster than we can spread it, so if you heard from someone else, blame it on the grapevine.

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