Friday, August 31, 2007

Amy's Pregnant!

So I'm going to be a dad. I can't tell you, unless you've been down this path yourself, how that feels. More importantly, I can't tell you how unbelievable it feels to see the heartbeat in an ultrasound for the very first time. It blows you away. Until that moment, it's rather abstract. A notion. A blue cross on the pregnancy test. I can't imagine how it was before the ultrasound, but to have access to these simple technologies is huge. It really does make it "real". Let's face it, with all that women go through during pregnancy, for them, it's real from day one. And, for obvious reasons, women develop a connection with the unborn child much earlier than their partner. But to see the little tyke in there, with it's heart beating in real time...well, the little booger might as well have came out and shaken your hand. "Hey dad, nice to meet you. I'd love to stay and chat, but I need to get back to developing my organs. Check back with me in about four weeks, cool?"

I'm anxiously waiting for the next OB visit. I plan on going to them all. It's fascinating, and I can't wait to see how he/she has grown. The appointment is almost here! by that time, the fetus will be about 2.5" and will look completely different than before....more human than alien.

It's still to early to tell the world, though if you're family, you probably know by now. For this reason I'll delay this post. Just thought I'd get it down in writing.

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