Thursday, April 3, 2008

My Son, Logan

It's only been 2-1/2 weeks, but it seems like 2-1/2 MONTHS! I hear it's that way. It feels like an eternity, but when you look back, you're amazed at how time just flew by.

On March 17, 2008 (St. Patrick's Day!) my son Logan was born. Weighing in at 6lbs. 14ozs, and arriving at 5:49 pm, he sent tears of joy down my face when I saw him for the first time. I can remember the look of utter exhaustion on my poor wifes face as the doctor laid him on her chest. Finally we got to meet our little boy.

The first night was a blur. We tried so hard to wrap our minds around it all. This infant, still a fetus in a sense, sleeping in the crib at the base of the bed. What now? What do we do? what was that sound? What would we have done without that nursing staff? Those ladies were the best. Oh how we wanted to just take them home with us! To hand them our son for the night so that we could sleep...priceless.

Now, two weeks later, we have a much better handle on things, but I have to admit, we're still making it up as we go along. We ask a lot of questions, and research as much as we can, but there never seem to be enough "answers". A lot of suggestions and a lot of theories, some better than others, but we try them all. In the end, we take it one day at a time.

Amy holds it down. She is queen bee. She works night and day to take care of the little guy, and I know he pushes her patience to the limit. At night, he is inconsolable. I do what I can, but I have work to focus on. I come home at lunch to give her a break, and I do what I can around the house so she doesn't have to. I am very proud of what she does and I think she is doing a wonderful job.

Let me add this: A million thanks to all of you who have helped us out over the past two, almost three, weeks. The food has been the biggest help. Not having to cook makes a world of different. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

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