Friday, December 28, 2007

I Spy Baby

Last Friday our families gathered to see something they've never seen before. Our little tiger squirm around in Amy's belly. Not only that, they got to see it in "3D". No, there were no blue and red goggles involved, and no, the baby did not jump out at you resulting in a room full of spilled popcorn. There was, however, a large screen on the wall so that everyone in the room could see it all. In the end, we all walked away feeling as though we know a little more about the little guy in question.

Our hour long session was at Clearview Ultrasound. During the session we were able to see our baby move around, and for the most part, hide his face. That's right, he wanted nothing to do with us and was determined to keep his face hidden. You'd think that after seeing his balls on the big screen that showing his face wouldn't be a problem. But I guess he figured we had seen enough for that day. So instead we focus on the rest of him, all the while trying to get him to roll over.

The picture, like the regular ultrasound, took a minute to get used to, but once you were oriented, you could see muscles flex (and he's got guns), folds in the skin, and even hair. But as I mentioned before, it's the face you're after. The doctor said to us, "you know, it's usually the babies that don't have a name yet that refuse to show their face." Maybe next time then he'll show us his face. What do you think Logan? Will you throw us a bone?

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