Thursday, October 25, 2007

BIG Things That Crawl...and Fly

While walking to my truck yesterday, I stumbled across a caterpillar crawling it's way towards my tires. Not just any caterpillar though. A big one. I immediately thought of my sister as she is deathly afraid of these things. I thought of how she would be both completely disgusted and completely intrigued at the same time. This thing was huge. Bigger than my fingers, I'm not sure how most birds would go about tackling this meal if at all.

I believe this is the Eacles imperialis, otherwise known as the Imperial Moth. Given it's location, it could have been feeding on the many oak trees, or as I believe, the large Japanese Maple nearby.

Now Steph, I know this may haunt your dreams, but please show the boys. I'm certain they'll get a kick out of this thing!

1 comment:

Steph said...

Eew That's freakin gross.