Thursday, March 13, 2008

What? Wait a Minute....

Tests are done. Not sure how I did. You never can tell. You just have to wait 4 weeks for the result and hope for the best. Since September, I've spent my time focusing on the tests and hoping the baby wouldn't come before or during. Now that those are behind me, I've been hit with the realization that "holy crap, we're having a baby". It was always on the horizon, AFTER my tests. Now, it's right now.

Though the baby is not due until March 26th, it doesn't look like we are going to make it to that. This weekend, the baby will be 38 weeks which is safe for delivery. With Amy having high blood pressure, the doctor is concerned with the onset of preeclampsia. For that reason, they will induce labor on Monday. Looks like we are going to have a St. Patrick's Day baby. Fitting then that his name is Logan.

Stay tuned...

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Throw on Your Game Face!

Okay. Here we are. March. Time to put your game face on. This time next week, I will hopefully be taking sections A&B of the LARE, and section D on Wednesday. I say "hopefully" because we have entered the realm of "it can happen any day" in terms of the arrival of our little boy. Amy is now 1 cm dilated, and 80% effaced. She can have the baby in a week, or she could go past her due date and have it in a month. You just don't know. So, let's cross our fingers that little Logan waits until after the 13th. I'm game for any day after that. It won't be long folks! He's almost here!

(Wish me luck on the tests! )